Sunday, November 11, 2012

beats by dre solo f province wry smile

 General situation already settle, both parties will partition north China of site, relevant Kuan-shan river of precept fore, Zhang Bu Yun must control Hebei and Cha hot the military administration of the Sui big power, helpless under, the segment iron people specially appoints him as"always get north China, each province of northeast armed forces and people two duty Anne's army six navy generalissimo", this and legendarily"a word shoulder to shoulder king" have no too greatly distinct.
With Lin Yi Chen second soldier for core, receive a soldier to go into to close troops to come to a nearly 150,000 people are it may be said the soldier's strong Ma Zhuang, the palace guards also right away went and lived with to receive a soldier and reorganized for Anne's army sixth soldier, plus all miscellaneous cards of accepting the plait, even Jin two cities and hope hot the Cha Sui Be inshore to halt Anne's army to reach to about 300,000 people, the threatening force is huge, return to Zhang Bu Yun whom the Mukden stays in to specially seal Lin Yi Chen as Du soldier in Hebei, is got each soldier of Hebei generally by him.
As for segment iron people's segment ruling, his placard is still to need to be teed off and just divided by him of the benefits is little to be pitiful, only expand original armed escort trip in order to garrison a soldier, garrison a soldier generally get is served as by the Xiao,such as wave, , govern infantry two trip and on adding regiment, Xiao such as wave from and person's gun is more, material a little bit well and a trip trip long, another trip long is then served as by segment six heart orchids that the iron people names.
These six heart orchids aren't a common person either, returned virtuous bloody battle in those early years, he woulded be E soldier commander-in-chief, with Liu Jing Xiao at return virtuous kill the world had no light, under wild outside unemployed several years, rush through to go to an iron people now.Segment iron people during several years feelings, right away appoint him is long for garrisoning a soldier second trip trip.
Garrison although the soldier has another two tripses name for adding regiment, total troops however 5,700 people, however the segment iron people pours is fully satisfied, somehow have a little own real strenght, and Zhang Bu Yun agrees that president's mansion public expense increases 60,000 dollars monthly, segment iron people ruling simply ownly and greatly printed to hand over to go out, handed over by Lin Yi Chen to unify a preservation.

Chapter 36 New Continent

New Continent.
So-called"New Continent", the fact means a mainland that person of Carthage discovers, mutually is apart from with"southern New Continent" that Chen Jia controls several ten thousand inside, the first Carthage person thinks they arrive India in the far east, but end they just discover that they harvested a gold mine.
"New Continent", naturally is more opposite than Carthage, Er compare proud, the card go together with etc. Tai western various country the old mainland of place, the whole New Continent is divided into north, south and central part three big pieces, its area is almost a many 4 timeses that of old mainland.
The Carthage person drove out soil Zhao and started in the colonizing of New Continent, numerous golds and silver constantly and constantly flowed into the mainland of Carthage, Carthage of the in those days is ever matchless brilliancy.
When the glorious sun finally falls in, the Carthage flies ages from Ni virtuous orchid to predominate, Ni virtuous orchid after of sea Ba lord but is the Er ratio rise, however the 廋 dies of camel than Ma Da Dun,beats by dre solo, the Carthage person still keeps controling almost whole south of New Continent, the north and central part also distribute many of their colonies and have in these colonies count with must account of people, having numerous mineral mountains, plantation that is under the setting sun of the Carthage most precious wealth.
New Continent for the first time independent war, from Punic colonize system almost the soil collapse to break up and be called two famous generals of "southern emancipator" to almost completely destroy at the colonizing of south system the Carthage, completely is the excellent performance that relies on Chen Jia to employ a soldier, the Carthage talented person can resume to build up this to colonize system.
To Chen Jia, to republican, this is call to do the affair that can say, have one part of left wing historian the such Ji Feng says this among them of story:"A republican system nation, helps two emperor system suppression in the nation to pursue independent republican parties personage"
But the of nation is gainful to exist, regardless is the republican soldier that cracks down on the south of the New Continent, still a suppression New Continent just forever the independent soldier of the north, all bring an endless benefits for Chen Jia and republican.Have no dint to pay a huge sum of commission of the Er let more than the proud person a many rich and populous fly of colony, certainly the independence of these colonies is all very strong.
The Er compare proud to let two pieces of colonies, although isn't rich and populous, but to Chen Jia is had better however of good harbor, accompany with several thousand years of development and emigrant, the New Continent ground Chinese have already come to a 4,000,000 people.This number is more only low than the Er compare proud person and Carthage to control area, than the card go together with to control area to want manies 50% nearly.
At three year war period, the New Continent battlefield never is a main battlefield, pour is a romantic novel best material, "cross over national territorial ground under the battle fire love" is to have its true prototype, in fact three year, war Chen Jia and the Er compare the combat that the proud person takes place in the New Continent region only a right bower town to meet for great battle.
Meet for great battle to be called it met for great battle to physically overestimate its scale, this combat even connected a battle all nothing of, be both parties' the tallest layer news that is opened hostilities in the New Continent, can allow who don't also open hostilities of fascination.
For the Er compare proud person to say and start to reply of of New Continent the independent soldier is their biggest threats, as for Chen Jia, at present still Er ratio proud very dependable ally and supplier, but come to say to Chen Jia, Carthage and Er ratio proud the person is all Chen Jia's foundation in the New Continent, even connect Chen Jia's greater half part to employ soldiers all Be served to Er ratio proud person.
Nominally Chen Jia the military power in the New Continent come to a 70,000 people, but this among them included 12,000 Be served to the Er compare proud of hire soldier and 40,000 Be served to Carthage of employ a soldier, these employ the soldier is opened hostilities of the newses be still serving for Er comparing a proud person.
When the news of accident gets outside, both parties all hurriedly gather troops.Just the Er can start to gather several 1000 people than proud person, Chen Jia's troops is also dispersion at New Continent extensive region inside, gather at the time of troops only have about thousand people, besides none of both parties wants to break peaceful situation.
Is just a the Er compare proud youth military officer decision preemptive, result he leads he's a camp to rush Chen Jia's maple cloud city.Just he goes forward have no how long, and a little amount of Chen Jia the infantry conflict and exposed own scheme.
The immediately after close by militiaman and troops is self-moving in succession to rush through to support, the confused conflict happens to both parties in the right bower town for a day, both parties' conductor and military tactics levels can use inferior come to describe, just Er's comparing proud soldier is falling in action 31, wound 97 people's circumstance to make a firm decision to withdraw.
Dead and injured of Chen Jia's this place is and the rise more than ten, just through this war, Chen Jia and Er's comparing proud persons would not like to keep on beating again, decision cease fire.But the right bower town meet for great battle to become more for ten few years, the topic of the most noisy republican filmdom, only the movie that assigns name to by right bower town has many four-part, also have several action movies, spy's slice, war movie and love slice is with the right bower town meet for great battle for background.
When the Er arrive to than the proud huge support troops of time, Er compare proud the person is on the whole to loosen tone in the governor of province of New Continent, he pulls reinforcement commanding officer to say:"On the whole is hope you came Thank God, you if late come to a week again, you could not see"
The Er be rated as luxury than the proud reinforcement, only the first tall ship of time takes 5,000 infantries, the seaman on board also has 1,000 much, the tall ship still has two war row warship and several cruisers, completely can make Chen Jia thoroughly collapse in the governance of New Continent, the reinforcement commanding officer says with smile:"Has no so badly?Beat you so and miserably"
Governor of province wry smile way:"Is not, you looking at city outside"
When see embellish in that war ensign in blue of order some stars, reinforcement commanding officer gram Lai boon the lieutenant general is said with the tone for hating:"Independent soldier"
If according to comparison revolution of slogan to say, that is now is an independent the fourth-time New Continent revolution war, according to the left wing scholar's parlance:"The intramural fight that makes use of a two greatest hegemonisms nation, the New Continent revolution fights for a really fine opportunity launch to start revolution but the abruption of hegemonism camp, cause to start revolution of first stage easily crush enemy resistance but"
Even now, the independent soldier special blue stars ensign flaunts in the numerous countries, small town and city, the Er compare proud was subjected to an unprecedented challenge in the governance of New Continent Related articles:

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