Wednesday, November 28, 2012 lease wait for in th

Chapter 047 breaks a guest
Once the He blare to become overdo to go to, he is tiny to nod, way:"Please wait for in the big hall, I is right away."
Xue Lie respectully should be, in the heart is also let go of heart.
Please wait for in the big hall, then move to drive to meet, that but give foot the face of the other party.Is even if water to in former days dazzle Jin in a life time of,beats by dre, also only so-so.
Be showed from this, He a blare proper just the words at the party are really all a heartfelt words, he is actually true at of will treat in in the light of sky of Luo's imperial house in the house.
There is 1:00 just he but anyway all not understand, He one why did the attitude for blaring have so huge variety with past.
Slightly led a short moment, once the He blare to start and arrived at a big hall in, contemporary country to Luo in the sky is mainer than Rui Pei to early wait for many.Not only is only him here, even Xue Lie also at the same time in the row.
See He on blaring to come in, start at the Rui Pei, deeply one Gong, sincere way:"Thank He master battle speech."
He a blare tiny put a hand, natural someone sends joss-stick Ming.
Shao's residing clearly is water to in former days dazzle Jin the old man lives of place, all the product personnels are all skies, the Luo junior high school is the toppest.The old man has already died and changes a new lord son at present and descend people before doing not completely acquaint with, want to start to beat 12 cents of spirit to reply naturally.
"The king adult is very kind."He a blare to mildly say:"This is what I have been already promised while was living at the old elder brother of water, and this is he the wish finally, the He is all anyway some will for go under his completion."
Thoroughly trusted at the Rui Pei, be like ate to fix mind pill, there is no any misgiving.
This time commitment if proceed from an of politician in, he naturally is 100 not letter, but proceed from an of inborn strong, and still water dazzle Jin the old man was full of praise while was living of in the , but he is have no the least bit the doubt of son.
Certainly, he is more understand, He a blared to promise water to dazzle Jin is human feelings, but want to let this person's feeling keep on keeping on, or is the relation that deepens each other, that will bind prison ground in prison in the He house and Luo's imperial house in the sky are together.
"The dead hour of the king arrives this, can't be for the sake of this small matter."He a blare to at random ask a way.
At the spirit of Rui Pei immediately for of a flap, he smiles but doesn't talk and just see toward Xue Lie.
This water dazzles the old man's big pupil complexion of Jin tiny tiny a red, way:"The master of the He, in fact you also know, at present prince the his highness age is gradually long, having already arrived can marriage of."
Once the He blare tiny tiny one Zheng, in small when the age recall~toing the mind was in fact and early to marriage, just is a sky, prince's his highness of Luo's country, this princess' candidate pours is very make people have a headache.
Not only is only native noble family sons and daughters, connect many princesses who get a country, princess a big cluster of all in their considerations scopes inside, so haven't canned definitely settle down up to now.
Xue Lie poses this question at this time, if not that idiocy understand, the imperial house thinks and marriage in the He house.
However in the third generation sons and daughters of He house, also only He age and its sort of one Ling go together with, but He one Ling has already had lover, which killing is afraid once the He blare, he would not likes to break up this, either to the mandarin duck.
The eyebrows is a little bit wrinkly for a while, see He on blaring this facial expression, at all of the Rui Pei and Xue lies is in the hearts a tight.
Probably the marriage can not represent and promise what, but after having this marriage, any outsider, especially open a Rong country to wait external strong influence to want a dozen of days Luo country idea of time, will be afraid of more.
"If Xue Lie, beginning of next year, I four elder sister Hes' one lings will marry with childe of the gold wood's Yuan gift Ling , if your free and come right away to drink one cup wedding feast."He a blare a slow voice to say.
Although he has no brush-off of the words tell others,this declaring has been all right already.
Xue Lie and at the Rui Pei in every aspect and mutually Qu, however their face top have no dissatisfied color.
Beat ha ha, Xue Lie nature is obediently should be, considered a short moment at the Rui Pei, finally way:"The master of the He, the Gu still has two sons three females didn't°yet marry, in addition to Gu, the proper age princess is more than ten persons in the clan, they the I've long been looking forward to meeting you He master's prestige, also invite a master can not stingy one side."
He on blaring complexion to peculiarly looking at him, in the heart is also a regrets very.
However the Yuan house thoughted of in former days, he also releases however.Saw the other party eye the middle hope of air, He a blare understand, if go again to push to take off, probably really living what unmanageable misunderstanding.
Although he doesn't harm an afraid of misunderstanding,the body is in Chuang in the He house of Luo's country in sky but still want to make contact with with imperial house.
Pondered a short moment, on blaring a title, He's positive color way:"King adult, you can know my four elder sisters' one lingses are how to become friends with with Yuan gift lings ?"
Is one Zheng at the Rui Pei, way:"The Gu doesn't know also inviting a master to point out."
"The Yuan gift traversed to live for few years at my Chuang in the He house, their 2 people got along with, and the day is long to living feeling."He on blaring the tea tray of holding up the in front, slightly Xia one mouthful, way:"Although Chuang in the He house isn't very big,still pretty much welcomes for the guest's arrival."
The time that made reference to the last words, He a blared an idea to slow down especially euphonic.
He believes controling midland ability by the other party, should being able to understand own meaning.
Indeed as expected, on the face of Rui Pei flash across one silk the color of the clear Wu, although in his heart for this kind of way of doing not accredit, even hence disdain to a to attend to.But since is what He a blare to put forward come, even if he disdains again and also want to loudly shout bravo on the mouth.
In his heart, the whole imperial house's benefits and value, is again what those sons and daughters in the household can compare.
Looking at one face happy expression of leave at the Rui Pei, once the He blare to make a decision in the heart, before four elder sisters marry, kill don't go home as well.
And this affair, he is also affirmative to is past to make not to know, even if is someone to suspect, fear is no one also deserving the noodles query.
As for so a heap of prince's princess flows out into Chuang in the He house, let daddy they have a headache.Just don't know that a few brothers sisters are knowing that oneself is a backstage to push the words of hand, they how treat they again.Don't know is thanked oneself for to give them this opportunity, still in mind denounce openly.
Shook to shake head, once the He blare to lay aside this mind, he sits in silence in the room and considers after meet with Xue Lie, and he treats his own strange attitude.
A short moment after, Xue Lie turns round since then and saw haven't left in the hall of He on blaring, not from the ground is big strange.Although he not know to offer congratulation a to blare to is to make a special trip to wait for his here, but also not dare to have to the slightest neglect, hurriedly come forward to pay a courtesy call on.
He a blare tiny nod, Tu tunnel:"Xue Lie, you are the old water elder brother's long Tu, the behaviour didn't need thus and carefully in the days to come, which afraid is Tong a big hole in sky, also have me to support for you."
After go into the city, He a blare and immediately discover Xue Lie and past compared and seemed to want timid get many.
He knows, this because water dazzles the reason that the Jin dies.
Without water dazzle Jin, this the biggest powerful supporter, Xue Lie's day although being unlikely is sad,his confidence is to greatly be subjected to stroke.
Xue Lie's body tiny tiny one Zhan, he raise a head and saw He on blaring that double of eyes that was full of sincerity, suddenly a burst of concussion in heart, hurriedly pendency vision, soft-voiced way:"BE, thank a He master."
On blaring slightly on putting a hand, He's way:"Remember, you are a spreading of old water elder brother person, before regardless doing anything, consider first for a while, whether will throw ……his face."
Xue Lie is suddenly straight chest, harsh voice way:"BE, Xue Lie remembered."
He a blare of face up this just peeped out one silk delighted smiling face, although he gets along with with Xue Lie of time isn't very long, for this person but is very appreciate.
The water old elder brother's big pupil is careful careful from cradle to the grave, but also is in no case afraid force, oneself since has already expressed an attitude, he knows naturally should how taking or rejecting.
On blaring to embrace a boxing, Xue Lie's facing He's way:"The master of the He, the front of teachers and the students in the house once said, you were him this the person who think greatly of most from cradle to the grave.After his old man's house dies, also only you are to unconditionally back me up etc., Xue Mou is unable to repay a kindness, generation many younger brother Shis and the younger generations kowtowed for you."
Say, his knee a soft, will grovel.However, he immediately discovers, in his in front, seem to have an unseen wall, no matter how he make an effort, all keep on being not likely to do obeisance.
This detection makes him stare tongue-tied and see toward He a blare of vision in even in took a silk to be afraid unclearly.
Unexpectatively his real strenght unexpectedly comes to a thus unimaginable situation.Want to stay calm and collected ground to attain this one step, even if was a teacher to also be not likely to attain while was living.
He a blare heart in suspicious, Xue Lie will express thus to appreciate, this seems to be a bit not in the right.
Is tiny to move in his heart, ask a way:"Xue Lie, the water old elder brother withers of news is who tell yours?"
"It is six positive instrument elder generations."Xue Lie respectully says and still take one in his voice silk sad felling.Dazzle Jin with water to get along with for few decades, they are named teacher and pupil, but in fact already and father and son just like, where is half year only can forget for several times.
Once the He blare to feel him the heavy sad feeling spread on body, in the heart as well is livinged one silk is sorry and ashamed.
Is silent a long time, He a blare finally an inquiry way once again:"Is he how to say?"
"Six elder generations say that this time totem clansmen to make Heng-shan, in the middle of exchanging blows, in the teacher their plot secretly against, the result discovers too late, wither like this."
Make reference to here, Xue Lie's rim of eye is tiny tiny a red, although he also has 80 many year old, at the thought of water dying dazzle Jin and remain don't already is a vibration in his heart.
He a blare of mouth piece piece, he this just knows, originally Xue Lie et al really don't know water dazzle Jin to actually die because of what.If make them understand, water dazzles Jin in fact for saving his/her own life to just die of words, probably they are in own in front can't restrain thus.
Slightly on sighing, He a blare finally don't explain what.
Six positive instruments of so don't tell him the true state of matter, nature also is for the sake of He a blare to think.These are some kind of of his good intentionses, even if is once the He blare me, can not also blame.
Equally, water dazzles conduct and actions of Jin, for once the He blare to say, is also an incomparable huge favor.
Some affairs, be not said and then can lead by Jie,Beats By Dre Diamond, but want to use what long day long actual activity in sky make up in mouth.
In this a moment, He a blare of have already done in the heart decision ……
Slowly stood to get up, He a blare a facing door to outside walk to, at will come out a moment of door, he coolly way:"Xue Lie, the Shao resided and then handed over to you clearly, everything was optimistic about.If someone come up to ask for trouble, seek six positive instruments make decision for you, if even he doesn't go as well, my nature will be successful in career processing.I say again a time of, when the water old elder brother is in a life time, you how do, now is also how do, don't throw his face."
Say, He a blare of body likeness is to sway for a while, disappear later on without a trace.
Xue Lie profoundly absorbs spirit, although he isn't understand, He a blare to why will spare no effort a ground of support teacher, this vein person thus.But this is absolutely a big good a day matter to them.
He the direction of the facing door one Gong arrive ground and profoundly cover up a head at the knee is in the center.
His eyes close tightly, two drops of muddy Huangs liquid flowed hair Shao on, the Jian in puckerily thin language writes:"Teacher, you didn't see a wrong person, true ……"
Farawaily open inside the Rong national territorial, an ancient monastery in, rang out the sound of the clock drum in everyday.
In this monastery, it are imposing reputations somebodies to live a to be located on all of the whole junior high schools that open Rongs.
Although this somebody has already broken him in former days a certain asseveration, once left the place lived by him.But this the slightest doesn't influence his high position in the public heart as well.
This day, Zhan Tian Feng sits in silence in the hospital, his in front not the distance be sent by him to the great and earnest hope of become Fu is practicing a set of oddity of achievement method.
Seem on his body is carrying on the back ten thousand catties of weights, each action brought him tremendous pang.
On his head, body up, numerous sweats remit to gather like the small river sort but bottom.
Also choose a such self-discipline method in the middle of coming to a the strong of inborn state of, absolutely very few.
Become the face of Fu although the top had an in fine threads weariness to arrive extremity, and accompanied with the facial expression of different pain and sufferings,his eyes remain clear and matchless, in this eyes, have a constant color.Anyone will neglect his pain and sufferings and pressure been subjected to on body at the sight of this eyes of his.
This war skill achievement the method is taught by Zhan Tian Feng, in the self-discipline of the power is huge, and for oneself of true spirit, also have to promote very and quickly at the same time.
Become Fu at with He a blare of after war defeat, be lean against self-discipline this achievement method but make his ability advance by leaps and bounds, arrived at present, even in already at short few years inside come to an and the hair is strong light the situation of the shoulder to shoulder.
Just, self-discipline this achievement method for body of burden biggest, and also extremely painful, which afraid is that the inborn is strong, can don't necessarily can take it as well.
Luckily is northwest one of the three greatest big countries to open a Rong country here, the junior high school works properly a medicine innumerable, as long as own tough and resilient lead the person's perseverance, pouring has never needed to worry a wound Sun on body problem as well.
Became Fu to finally fire away an end one punch slowly, one of his feet slowly dragged along back, in this process, that Chan Chan but bottom of sweat, already soak through his whole body clothes all.
Is long long the ground vomited an one breath, become the ground of Fu Tu put a voice long smile, way:"Too teacher, thank your to teach."
Plump idea location in Zhan Tian wears a head, way:"Become Fu, your natural endowments although and not last He on blaring, but your effort absolutely can't at he under.The our country master's hall all inborn masters in, also only you just own to promote front-line sky of of may, you never let my disappointment."
Become a solemn Fu location head, way:"BE, too teacher, the pupil definitely doesn't take your expectation."
His teach boon teacher is a strong hair light, but Zhan Tian Feng has the boon of spreading the skill with him.But the most important 1:00 is, the hair strong light doesn't proceed from a certain group, he is only a free inborn strong, under the circumstance that accidental be opened a Rong country to invite just.
His pupil got Zhan Tian to plentifully think greatly of, and without any reservation taught Royal to extremely learn at present, so became Fu early under the signaling hint of hair strong light, mutually treat by teacher gift to Zhan Tian Feng.
Zhan Tian Feng is tiny to nod, way:"Open the Rong country has you to take a crossbeam in the future, the old man can also trust to retire."
Become Fu one Zheng, he hurriedly way:"Too teacher, you this is what rubbish."
Zhan Tian Feng ha ha on smiling, way:"Wait you to promote front-line sky of after, will comprehend our se old deathless moodses."He is long hiss one breath, way:"Wu Dao's way was full of turns and twists, but also was full of unknown temptation, I was to really want to lay aside everything, with all strength advanced Wu Dao."
Becoming the Fu speech of Zhang Kou Yu is in fact also equally such in his heart, but Zhan Tian Feng has great boon to him in the body, if will open a Rong country to hand over in his hand, he again how ability a walk it ……
Suddenly, a figure uncanny sort appears at their in front, which afraid is Zhan Tian Feng also only is at this person emergence after just realize.
Two people's complexion greatly changes at the same time, however Zhan Tian Feng saw clear later on the this person side permit, he breath a sigh of relief, way:"Senior, how did you come?"
Become Fu just fastenned true spirit of fire lift gather but rise, heard Zhan Tian Feng's words, in his heart frightened, hurriedly broke up true spirit inside the body, although the blood vessels was dull pain, his face top was noodles don't change a color.
With his self-discipline of compare pain and sufferings suffering, this was too pediatrics.
That person is exactly at frontier halfway up a hill on, look like common a middle age way person, Zhan Mao, .
He facing Zhan Tian Feng Be tiny to nod, the vision fell to become the body of the Fu up, in his eyes, have a the slightest don't cover up of appreciate of color, obviously for become Fu equally satisfied.
Zhan Tian Feng lightly coughs a , way:"Become Fu, this is the senior of old man, you call ……" he, way:" Call teacher uncle."
Become Fu slightly a hesitant, immediately Gong body way:"The pupil becomes Fu and once sees teacher an uncle."
Their 2 people passes this title and has already give°ed the relation of of each other teacher and pupil to make sure down.
With their identities, now that arrived this one step,, be thunders five thunders to bomb, can'ts deny as well for a sky of.
Zhan Mao's cachinnation is a , way:"Like, like a teacher uncle."His hand groped for two times on the body, the Tu ground is one Zheng, peeped out an extremely embarrassed color on the face, way:"Become teacher niece, your this teacher uncle today unfortunately, have never brought you to meet a gift, wait you in the days to come achievement become, when the noodles sees teacher Zu, along together make up deficiencies."
Becoming Fu surprisedly should a , however in his heart, was full of a doubt.
Open a Rong country to unexpectedly still have a strong like this?Why but is have never heard.
The facing Zhan Tian Feng of Zhan Mao made an expression of eyes, Zhan Tian Feng is tiny the nod, willing become Fu walk, later on way:"Senior, return how is the felling of home town?"
Zhan Mao gave a deep sigh an one breath, tiny shake head.
In the heart of Zhan Tian Feng one Lin, ask a way:"What happened matter?"
Zhan Mao stretched out a left hand, on this hand of his, five fingers unexpectedly and all without exception broke a……
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