Sunday, November 18, 2012

beats dr dre un Jiang unexpectedl

The young man hears money word, the eyeful gives out light,cheap beats by dre, and he smiles a consolation way to the women:"Elder sister!You don't get angry, this affair you hand over to me!You now quickly go home thoroughly a rest and take a rest, have what good news I will notify yours."The young man finishes saying and then stands down car and immediately after disappears in a building.

The second market winds and clouds chapter 76 coffee shop talks
Renew time:2008-10-2817:12:23 chapter word numbers:5252

Live such as often Wu Kai soon forgot this disagreeable feeling and re- threw medium go, a week soon pass by, turning the eye is already a weekend, originally Wu Kai prepared to return to YF to go over the weekend, but because and the prosperous secretary's appointment Wu Kai can not help make a phone call for Lin Yu Xuan, want to make her come back, but at the right moment have a check set to carry on a check to YF City, so body and secretary and the mayor's Lin Yu Xuan basically can not come back and make Wu Kai think as a result to steep soup with Lin Yu Xuan viewpoint of degree weekend thoroughly.
This noon Wu Kai just finished eating lunch be just preparing to return to the time of dormitory rest a short while, his cellular phone rang, the cellular phone bell ring in this time was what Wu Kai woulded not liked to hear most , but he could not turn off a cellular phone again, after listenning to come to hand a machine bell ring, Wu Kai impatiently from the pocket in take out a cellular phone a see the above call see is an unfamiliar telephone number, lay up that impatient, asking of courtesy way:"How do you do!I am Zhang Kai!Excuse me, does that seek me?"
Wu Kai is polite to receive but again the opening remarks of habitual just finished saying, immediately spread in telephone a warm of say hello voice:"Assistant piece how are you!I is Sun Jiang of the organization department, I just arrived GZ, recorded make me give° all materials of our city section class above staff you deliver."
Wu Kai hears is Sun Jiang to think of he or she to once make Lin Yu Xuan notify that he came over an and originally settled very to make him come over right away on the second day, but those staff's data need to be tidied up, so just had been dragging along till today, Wu Kai tone Ping-ho, take light smiling face, ask a way:"Minister!Is you!You arrived GZ, that you is the person over there now?"
Sun Jiang although the Class compares Wu Kai Gao,the Class serves as assistant from Wu Kai of that day of start.Wu Kai the Class of Wu Kai this assistant have to be much more heavy than his in his center of earth, the whole YF City officialdoms all know that Lin Yu Xuan is a secretary and mayor, but they equally also know to still have a mayoral〃 assistant that takes care of secretary and mayor, one is real to control the mayoral〃 assistant occupied by whole citieses, so when Wu Kai will what work to give an account to him of time, he will don't hestitate of completes by quickest speed, Lin Yu Xuan makes him prepare staff's material this time, and send the time to Wu Kai, he knows that the destiny of the YF City ground all levels officials in future has already controled in Wu Kai's hand.And Wu Kai need these materials be for the sake of each section and each county City of empty lack to make whole, at this time Sun Jiang by himself/herself really don't know of the destiny also control in Wu Kai's hand, he hears Wu Kai's words, immediately and respectfullly and sincerely answer way:"Assistant piece!I now is saving the doorway of Wei party school.You now convenience?If your convenience that I in the evening again seek you!"
Wu Kai hears Sun Jiang already at the door, immediately order way:"Minister!That you wait meeting I come out right away now.".Cn
"Good!Assistant piece!I will have been waiting yours in doorway in the party school."Sun Jiang polite answer way.
Wu Kai hears Sun Jiang Di's words and said that the voice sees again with him, put a cellular phone to import bag with the hand inside.Then the facing party doorway in the school walk.
When Wu Kai comes out doorway in the party school, see Sun Jiang from walked down in a car, and facing he quickly walked, hence he faced up.Have never waited Sun Jiang openings order way:"Minister!We go up, then seek an a little bit in quiet place, discuss it later an affair."
Sun Jiang hears Wu Kai Di's words.The immediately turning round to walk to oneself in quick time ground side in the car opens a car door for Wu Kai.After waiting Wu Kai to get on the car just the facing moreover and simultaneously run.
A short while Wu Kai and Sun Jiangs arrive at inside a blue mountain coffee shop.Wu Kai wanted two cup coffees to the attendant and sought a strange table to sit down an empress.Smile to ask way to Sun Jiang:"Minister!You when come out ground in the morning, do those materials all get ready?"
If Sun Jiang hears Wu Kai, immediately from wrap in take out an ambulation hard drive and a document bag, pass to Wu Kai, and explanation way:"Assistant piece!Staff's materials of our city all turn a record with the paper, so I know that you after wanting these the material immediately arrange a person Mi in a row work overtime several days, just will so all the data income enter a computer, then copied for you a , in addition to those staffs who have been already retired and plait outsider member, other personnels data all in this hard drive.Moreover this document bag is what secretary wood makes me bring you, she said all things that you need in my noodles."
Wu Kai looking at the hard drive and the document of hand inside bag, he puts document bag on the table with the hand, but move hard drive then be put by him to import bag an inside, he smiles to ask a way after:"Minister!I not at of didn't take place what affair in city in this week?"
Sun Jiang doesn't understand Wu Kai why ask like this, but he knows that Wu Kai asks the reason that the nature has him like this, so also not much think, respectfullly and sincerely of answer way:"The city inside didn't take place on this week what affair, just some people all the position that eyes stare at to vacate now up, start starting to run relation everywhere, the office that connects me now every day make collective report the staff of work on stiring immediately after on stiring, don't even say my home."
Wu Kai looking at Sun Jiang's complexion to still keep finishing saying, immediately after ask a way:"Minister!That you return to behind you know of those flee for the sake of the official position the crew list jumping tidy up for me a , I am useful when the time comes."
Sun Jiang hears Wu Kai's request, smile an answer way:"Assistant piece!The my secretary wood comrade tidies up the time of these data, in consideration of you just come, don't acquaint with to some circumstances of our city, so from make the decision a piece didn't use brain for this period of time hard
But run these people's lists that the officer wants an officer to all record down in the outside all day long, that ambulation hard drive in, originally want to let the time that you see do a reference, have never thought you will want this now."
Wu Kai hears Sun Jiang unexpectedly have already in advance readied to these lists for him, in the mind not from of mean to endorse for Sun Jiang's elaboration, however his face ascends have never expressed to serve as the variety, still a mild facial expression of, equanimity way:"Minister!For our city current condition you have what viewpoint have no?"
Sun Jiang hears Wu Kai suddenly ask him this problem, the eye inside Shan one silk Cha color, soon after answer way:"Assistant piece!This problem I perhaps can not answer you, I am to organize minister,beats dr dre, if the staff who says our city appointment and dismisses a problem to make me say some Is personal viewpoint, probably I can also speak some, but make me talk my city's current present condition this isn't the work that I am responsible for, so is common I the concern ground is less.So can not also give you the exaltation what opinion or suggestion."
Wu Kai smiles, he beats a mind's eye's inside to feel very satisfied to Sun Jiang's answer, moderate say:"Since so not equal to we talk minister for the pond to of affair, minister!I also have a problem to want to ask you, but you can not take again just this to lend to block up me?"
Sun Jiang doesn't know Wu Kai's true purpose, but he understand although Wu Kai is a mayoral〃 assistant,cheap dr dre beats,he is the real man at the wheel of YF City, manage his in the mind to have many questions again, he is still an orotund ground answer way in Ping-ho:"Assistant piece!You ask!As long as is that I know.I promise to definitely know speech all, speech all exert."
Wu Kai is satisfied with Sun Jiang very much now ground answer, he looking at unhurriedly of Sun Jiang, flash across in the eye one silk endorses of vision.Say with a smile:"Good!Minister!What I wanted is you ground this sentence."Made reference to my Wu Kai to drink coffee, immediately after asked a way:"Minister!My wanting to ask your is you several to our city current Related articles:

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