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Author: wd Source: Unknown Date :2011-7-4 15:54:00 Hits: 640 Tags: marketing

REVIEW: First, we need to think about the question, why should we post. In fact, we have said many times leading to, and we all know, now that we continue to post more publicity for the company to do so more and more Internet users, potential ...

First, we need to think about such a question, why should we post. In fact, we have said many times leading to, and we all know, now that we continue to post more publicity for the company to do so more and more Internet users, potential customers are interested in our, as we are about to open shop total More and more potential clients. And an increasing number of our posts, the quality is getting better, especially in the inner hair Taobao excellent precision of the post was added, then because of the post placement easier to attract more people's attention, to We have a very good advertising effect!

In addition, we have tried a thousand fragrant products to recover, and if that is also more suitable for your own words, we should also try their own experiences to write out for more to share with friends, so sometimes let us hit it submitted to some of the friends.

but we, as the company's marketing team, a final analysis, our goal is to increase through the sharing of potential buyers. We all know that the company's efficiency and is closely related to our own interests, and our multi-post, send nice post, to let more people know about our company and products, the company can promote the development of faster and faster, the corresponding company's products sold well, and our income will be increased accordingly. Conversely, if we do not Haohaodezuo good post this, then we waste here every day and eight hours of the company, there is no point for their own benefit, so let us do more meaningful things right .

the same time I also believe that learning is everywhere, no matter at what our positions should implement the spirit of learning. I do not know that did not, in fact, we post the process, but also one of their own learning process. Of course I am talking about the original post. For example, we send a care-related experience and post it to share in the creative process of this post, we want to own summarizes the experience, may also need to continue to go through some channels such as Baidu reference to the experience of others, and finally complete your posts, this process, we not only learn the knowledge of others, some of the skin, and also to consolidate their knowledge. I think that we, as sales of skin care company's sales staff, should not be a simple person selling the product, but rather should focus on to itself as a skin care expert, beauty advisor, so that our clients rely on us, in the face skin care We think of the problem, which can not do without us.

So at this stage we can send what kind of post it.

experience paste. Each of us in all aspects of life have their own experience. Write their own experience to share with you the experience you can write posted. For example, women's shoes every day we have to face skin care, often to their makeup of a beautiful, then what you have in the make-up experience? What kind of face you know what kind of makeup for? What of the more natural and better see? Do not mean your experience of these ideas can be written as a post, together with other lovers of make-up exchanges. This is associated with our industry, our industry has nothing to do with the other's experience can also be written posts, we usually say it to be a vegetable, steamed eggs I think we all, but if you feel like your eggs steamed steamed hotel so tender and smooth, it can also share with you the experience of steamed egg ah.

tutorial posted. Each of us is not that city, while each of us will certainly be some of the others will not have their own or someone else to do good things. For example, our regular contact with people and Taobao picture when dealing with very, very many, many people do want to own a beautiful picture, but will not do that, if you will, then you can teach you, such as the use of which software, step by step how to complete the desired picture effect. Let someone else after reading our posts also learned to deal with images, then we will feel very rewarding thing.

Zatan posts. Zatan blog post as our own hair, as long as the content is legitimate and healthy active, even if we saw Happy Girl qualifying yesterday, was that bold to speak haltingly, but moved the girls to sing this content, also can be written.

show posts. We are all fragrant with a thousand years to recover the product, we use the process of these products have any feelings? You can write it down. Such as peach water, perhaps we would have very dry skin, use a peach water, the face becomes moist and oh well we can put this way before and after the process with illustrations written post, let others see the water is so magical peach !

In fact, this classification is a special post to a different name, as long as our intention to find, hard to write out the words of my heart, we can write many different posts. Of course, we as a skin care company's sales staff, we are of course preferred to write with care-related posts. But we should note that our products are very good, do not worry no one will buy, so we need not to send the ad to the kind of naked. So we do not post them directly to promote our upcoming opening of the shop.

Taobao community and gang activity that we often need, and we often post Replies in these two places. With our increasing number of post, as long as we are really hard to write posts, and we must also be posting more and better quality. These good posts in Taobao can be the essence posts, top posts, recommended paste. If we write a good post, the administrator can apply to us to increase precision. If the essence of our posts became posts, top posts, recommended paste, these posts will have a relatively long retention time, there will be relatively more users to browse, it will produce better publicity. We write as opposed to those ordinary post, it can be said to be more effective. So our goal? To write software, and write the essence posts!

Next we want to know is how to write a good post it. First, from the title, we have to be an attractive title. Because we read forum also know that so many forum posts, each post is a few people are open to look at, you will be a judge by the title, the contents of this post is not what I want attention, this post will good? If he passed the title to get a definite answer, then he could only open the post to see the content. On the contrary, even if we wrote and Han Han's blog post about the same level, but our title bland, then we may also lose a lot of readers. So, to be a good post title, will allow many of our posts in the post as sparkling as a diamond, to seize other people's eye.

Typically, several forms of this title is appealing.

First of all, suspense type. Human nature is full of curiosity, so that readers with such titles often wonder, guess, surprised to read, fascinating. From the outset firmly caught the reader's eye. To see examples.

second, conspicuous. Story category general wealth, experience sharing class post is the title. Such as the . Taobao community such post is currently one of the most popular types of posts, but we have the time to write this post should pay attention to the scale, realistic, not exaggerated. To see examples.

Third, exaggerated style. As we often see the title said To see examples.

Fourth, the number of general type. Such articles in the shop and marketing techniques more common, sought after by novice friends, like several other big trick, with a summary of these Posts, makes clear, it is a good write-attached modes. To see examples.

Well, the title written, the next is the subject of our content. Let us post content attractive, we must grasp the following aspects.

-demand writing posts. Although we said earlier, life bits and pieces can become the content of our posts, but the final analysis, our posts or to promote the company, selling products, so we want to make more people look at our posts, then we we must always think about what they want, is not want to get up this morning I have done a few things which are not eaten at noon today, I want to see what dishes it? I think if you not want to pursue that person, then he should not be interested in these things baffled. More people want to see is some useful information on their own, such as female friends want to see skin care experience, novice sellers want to see the shop skills and so on. We must seize the reader needs to focus on writing content easy to resonate, so that a targeted write posts. Such as Taobao many merchants selling clothing, the clothing, the picture is very important, only the pictures look beautiful clothes, the buyer is possible to see further details of this dress, so many devoted to how to shoot ordinary clothes very large sense of the sought-after post.

change old for new, with a unique perspective to write posts. Admittedly a lot of forum content is commonplace, we write to write to all those elements. If our old posts and other posts, like others, scripted, and that why people have to look at our post it. So we need to do is start from the details, you can find posts from some of the old break point. With new ideas and new and old elements in a fresh perspective to things. For example, there are a lot of Taobao sellers to share their experience of promotion posts, such as more in the forum, ah, to speak more in the group in the class, we have seen many, have also written to promote a person experiences, he wrote a clever with a music player, store traffic doubled. This is very fresh, you will want to see, how to use music player, it can store double the flow. He used the original lyrics is synchronous, because people who upload the lyrics synchronized lyrics in the production process, many have written on their own QQ and other contact information, but as he wrote on his own Taobao shop, he also brought many customers, this angle is very new, is that many people previously did not expect, then is also very popular.

best to combine graphic. See the next example.

easy to understand. Look on the next page legend.

Finally, we have said before, we should note that we can introduce their products, but do not go naked advertising our products.

Finally, we use a few words to summarize what we should have the characteristics of the post.

grasp some of these considerations, we enjoy it to write posts, especially posts related to our industry, we sell the company as a professional skin care skin care experts, should be written so that people feel very good enough for the post

post written, we should express, and this time we have to pay attention to what the problem layout and art, an excellent post content, if you can express a very beautiful, it would people feel pleasant and happy to read on.

font to be moderate, sub-headings can be larger than the content font;

color is best not to black, or too dazzling colors, is not accurate to look comfortable, subtitle You can also use a different color and content, not too fancy, giving the feeling of clutter;

typos can have but not too much, if a wrong to someone else read the opinions sentence a loss that he will no longer read;

paragraphs have appropriate arrangements, these are when we go to school had to learn a language lesson, a little content with a single, densely packed from start to finish a section if I think someone else is also very difficult to read in;

appropriate use of facial expressions chart, pass their own good feelings to others, let him follow with their own emotions, which is like a smile on people in the same physical store, you can put your beautiful mood infection to others, man, if happy, will impulse, of course,beats by dre pro, will inevitably have to impulse shopping Oh! There are other aspects of

not list them, in short, we like our people to post the same internally and externally, we must have content, but also the United States, so as to maximize their posting purposes, but also they are not to waste the time we worked so hard to write posts.

look at two posts do a better job in this regard.

Well, we have successfully made the post, this time to pay attention to post was published we have some work to do, first of all is that if you think you write good posts, then do not forget to apply additional fine, said earlier, the essence of posts will get better chance to show, bring better publicity.

In addition, we have to remember to interact with the thread, rather than that posted a hair over is needed. We should be concerned about other people, after reading our posted a reply to what, to extract useful information to us, let us play the role of the post to the maximum, for many people Replies mentioned, we have to Integrated A paste, Replies to the particular individual, we must also be targeted to answer.
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